Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Negative Impact Of Globalization And Capitalism - 1278 Words
Globalization and capitalism are two systems that greatly influence our world on a political and economical scale. Globalization processes businesses and corporations internationally while capitalism handles the money, ownership, and trades that globalization operates. However, capitalism is often seen as a negative political system and thus I will argue that capitalism negatively affects globalization. But to understand why capitalism has a negative effect on capitalism, it is important to understand what globalization and capitalism are. I will start off my essay by explaining the history and current events that revolve around globalization and capitalism. Then, I will discuss Karl Marx s opinion on capitalism. Afterwards, I will†¦show more content†¦In addition to explaining the history of capitalism, I will also discuss how capitalism has become a controversial political system. Capitalism is a political system where a country s trade and industry are controlled by priva te owners for profit, not the state. It has the belief that people should be able to trade freely so everyone can benefit. For example, if a person buys a carton of milk at the store for one dollar. Both, the seller and buyer, get what they want. The seller gets one dollar, and the buyer gets his milk. What the seller does with the money he receives is capitalism. It has many flaws that make it controversial such as, it s unstable, profits before people, and only the rich benefit. However, despite how horrible it is, capitalism works. It is one of the few political systems in the world that is tangible and seems to work. However, historical figures such as Karl Marx would argue otherwise. In this paragraph, I will explain capitalism through the viewpoint of a Marxist and how Karl Marx himself despised capitalism. Towards the end of the paragraph, I will contrast capitalism and globalization while explaining how they work together- this will segue into my arguments. I will begin arguing my first point - that capitalism effects globalization through the degradation ofShow MoreRelatedCapitalism, Globalization and the Perpetuation of Women’s Oppression: a Vicious Cycle1138 Words  | 5 PagesCAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION AND THE PERPETUATION OF WOMENS OPPRESSION: A VICIOUS CYCLE By Kelsey Lavoie NDYA, Provincial Youth Liason According to the World Bank, women make up 70% of the world’s poor and their wages world wide are on average 50% to 80% of men’s. One third of all households word wide are headed by women, they are responsible for half the world’s food production, and yet they own just one per cent of the world’s property. 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