Thursday, August 27, 2020
Cells Study Guide Biology
Before long of existing cells. Janet Plow showed that the cell film is a physical structure, not an interface between two fluids. Lynn Amaryllis proposed the possibility that specific organelles were once free living themselves. Cell Theory: All living things are made out of cells. Cells are the fundamental units of structure and capacity in living things. New cells are delivered from existing cells. 2 Types of Cells: Eukaryote are cells that contain cores. They contain a core where their hereditary material is isolated from the remainder of the cell.Prokaryote are cells that don't contain cores. They have hereditary material the at isn't contained in a core. Area: An organelle is a specific structure that performs significant cell work ages inside an eukaryotic cell. A plant cell has a cell divider and a cell layer while a creature cell has only a c ell film. Organelles: Nucleus: Contains about all the cell's DNA and with it the coded guidelines for making proteins and other signifi cant particles. (Both) Ribosome: little particles of RNA and proteins found all through the cytoplasm m. Proteins are collected on ribosome.Both) Endoplasmic Reticulum: inner film framework, the site where lipid come snapshots of the cell layer are amassed, alongside proteins and different materials that are e sent out from the cell. (Both) Googol contraption adjusts, sorts and bundles proteins and different materials from the ERE for capacity in the cell or discharge outside the cell. (Both) Lissome: little organelles loaded up with catalysts. Separates lipids, carboy wraps and proteins into little particles that can be utilized by the remainder of the cell. Additionally associated with b stinking down organelles that have outlasted their usefulness.A) Vacuoles: sickle structures that store materials, for example, water, salts, proteins and starches. (P) Mitochondria: organelles that convert the concoction vitality put away in food into exacerbates that are progressively helpful fo r the cell to utilize. Encased by two films (external and inward) (Both) Chloroplasts: organelles that catch the vitality from daylight and convert it I onto concoction vitality in a procedure called photosynthesis. (Plant) Cytoplasm: segment of the cell outside the core. (Both) Cytokines: system of protein fibers that encourages the cell to keep up its shape.The cytokines is additionally associated with development. The two head protein fiber s that make up the cytokines are mavericks and organisms. (Both) Centurion: One out of two little structures situated in the cytoplasm of creature CE ASS close to the atomic envelope. (A) Cell Membrane: Regulates what enters and leaves the cell and additionally gives proto activity and backing. (Both) Cell Wall: offers help and insurance for the cell. (P) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are encircled by two layers. The y both contain their own hereditary data as little DNA particles.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
buy custom Alexander Dumas essay
purchase custom Alexander Dumas paper Alexandre Dumas was a preservationist and against women's activist creator. This could help in detailing a proposal that portrays him as a corrupt man. Dumas were one of the French journalists whose most punctual types of plays indicated how he managed the issue of prostitution. This was found in the play The Lady of the Camellias, 1882, whereby he circulated out social issues throughout everyday life. A lot more writers that came after him likewise imitated his underlying foundations of composing. His life likewise had an impact towards his character. The purpose behind this is since he was conceived as one of the ill-conceived youngster, he figured out how to live with his mom Marie-Laure-Catherine, who was only a dress creator, however battled and accommodated the family. He was, in any case, not content with the return of his dad when he joined school named Bourbon, after when his dad had understood the he had an ability in writing work (Hopkins, 23). The law as of now was merciless and one-sided; henceforth his dad was permitted to take him from his mom, something that left her mom in agony and enduring because of sexual orientation predispositions. In his compositions, he stressed on the virtues all through, and furthermore he upheld his conviction that at whatever point a man fathers an ill-conceived kid, he should assume liability of legitimizing the kid and wedding the lady. In the all inclusive school where Dumas went to class, he was insulted continually following his lifes circumstance. One; along these lines, can presume that it is these issues that significantly affected his contemplations, conduct qualities and composing (Lewis, 48). 2) Critical Review of the Play La Tour de Nesle by Alexander Dumas The Tour de Nesle was a watchman tower in Paris old city that was developed in the start of the thirteenth century. The pinnacle is situated toward the south bank , and it was built by Phillip II of France. Later on in the 19t century, the pinnacle was utilized by Alexandre Dumas as the setting for his sentiment play titled La Tour de Nesle . As per the play, the pinnacle spoke to where, in the fourteenth century, the sovereign of France was killed. Alexandre put together this story with respect to a legend that had existed in the fifteenth century that was titled Tour de Nesle Affair. The play spins around the occasions that unfolded in the year 1314 when the girls in law of Phillip IV were blamed for submitting infidelity. As a result of these allegations, their supposed darlings were executed following quite a while of being tormented and excoriated. In this manner, the pinnacle was an image of secret and dread. It was accepted that every morning, groups of youngsters would be dis covered coasting with their bodies butchers either by blade or lance. Legend has it that the sovereign was set for vengeance all men. Subsequently, she would welcome men into her chambers for a sentimental night just for her to kill them and toss them into the stream. La visit de Nesles is an uncommon French film since it is a shading film. Te tower is melancholy , and its detestations are spoken to in the blue, green waters of the Seine. This is on the grounds that the sovereign for the most part tossed her one night darlings into the waters after their overnight undertakings. In any case, this was only a legend that was rarely demonstrated valid. It is in this pinnacle where the sovereign anticipates her young darlings to show up before they were heartlessly killed by associates. Portrayal The story is comprised of a few characters. Silvana Pampanini assumes the job of Marguerite de Bourgogne the sovereign while Pierre Brasseur takes the piece of Jehan Buridan. There are two princesses to be specific; princess Jeanne and Blanche acted by Christine Grado and Lia Di Leo separately. The remainder of the characters include: Paul Guers (Gaultier dAulnay), Jacques Toja (Philippe dAulnay), Andr Gabriello (Le terrific mnestrel), Nelly Kaplan (Alice), Rellys (Archer), Cadet Rivers (Le tavernier), Louis Viret (Le culinary specialist des professional killers), Constant Rmy (Landry), Marcel Raine (Orsini) and Michel Bouquet (Louis X). In the story, Margaret of Burgundy, the sovereign of France at the time was an unfaithful lady. She is delineated as a cutthroat lady who killed her sweethearts without even batting an eye. In addition, she is clever , and this causes all her issues a mystery. One night, two respectable men, were attracted into the pinnacle. They had gone with the desires for a sentimental night loaded up with energy yet rather they were met by a vindictive lady who had resentment against all men. Later at night, the sovereign figures out how to kill Phillippe yet Buridan, the subsequent man figures out how to get away. He starts to coerce the sovereign by taking steps to open her to the lord except if she makes him an executive. Buridan, then again, is portrayed as a precarious man who figures out how to get away from the sovereigns grasps, henceforth sparing his life. At the point when he chooses to extort the sovereign, he is viewed as an entrepreneurial man who makes the most of any accessible chance to profit himself. Albeit at first a casualty, the normal response is report the sovereign for her off-base doings and get his dead companion the equity he merits. Be that as it may, he picks to utilize the data he needs to profit himself, in this manner he is voracious and egotistical. Additionally, he is shameless and indiscriminate on the grounds that he went to the pinnacle with the desire for an enthusiastic night , yet it was basic information that the sovereign was a hitched lady. In any case, it ought to be noticed that the story isn't a precise portrayal of French history. In any case, the story is an engaging and exceptionally enthusiastic play. Shading and shade have been utilized to give the story an expressionists contact so as to include underscore the dim, vile plot. The dull shade additionally gives the film a feeling of verifiable authenticity. The story spins around two significant topics. These are retribution and legislative issues. Be that as it may, sex,, demise, eagerness and selling out are likewise clear in the plays. The sovereign is driven by her craving to retaliate for all men. She is excellent and utilized her brains and excellence to draw youthful, dumbfounded men to her chambers. She at that point slaughters them and tosses fix into the stream. Legislative issues, then again, is extremely predominant in the story. For example, when Buridan get away, rather than detailing the sovereign so she could be rebuffed for a homicide, he chose to utilize the information he needed to promote his political yearnings. This demonstrates to him, political force exceeds equity. Selling out in the story is clear all through. For example, the sovereign sells out the lord when she has illicit relationships with other men. Likewise, she sells out her sweethearts when she has then slaughtered to extinguish her hunger for retribution. Such a significant number of individuals deceive and coercion each other in return for political force all through the play. Passing is additionally common in the film, making it incredibly pitiful to watch. For example the passing of the male nobles men who were murdered by the sovereign. It was said that ordinary, bodies would be discovered skimming on the Seine. This shows demise was a typical event in that society. The show has assumed the job of passing the powerful antifeminist message to the world. The message shook the phases in Europe when it had debuted just because. The general ideas portrayed in the play lie in tending to the key issues in the public arena, for example, the sex awkwardness, political impacts and unscrupulous customs where murder is by all accounts the standard. The play is scrutinizing the political impact that the old ages had been accustomed to acting it like a test to the new age through sharpening it. As indicated by the book, political force is extraordinarily esteemed, and those in high political positions are eager to successfully keep up them or move higher. This will without a doubt help in guaranteeing that the following ages will turn out to be significantly more sharpened and can make some pictured decisions. Shamelessness will likewise be named as the recorded capacities, which despite everything have grounds in the new and people in the future. Taking ever ything into account, such plays have the principle point of instructing and sharpening the new and people in the future, to make the people in the future increasingly mindful of the risks of living unethically and the outcomes that emerge because of indecency. Alexandre, in this play, shows the job of ladies as unbridled and coldhearted, in opposition to what ladies should be in the general public. As indicated by his reference index, he had little family esteems since his dad was not a piece of his life when he was youthful. In this life, he had a few ill-conceived youngsters and got hitched once in spite of the fact that he was all the while taking part in an extramarital entanglements with an on-screen character at that point. In this manner, the play is a portrayal of ladies as he sees them, and isn't really a genuine depiction of ladies, particularly in that century. Purchase custom Alexander Dumas article
Friday, August 21, 2020
How To Build a Balanced College List TKG
How To Build a Balanced College List Building a balanced list is about research and knowing what you want. The first component has to do with identifying the school’s numerical range that you’re interested in--the average SAT/ACT scores are available on the schools’ websites, and from there you compare your own score. If your scores are above, it’s a safety, if they’re around the same, a target, and if you fall below numerically, then the school is a reach. Before we delve into building your list, make sure that you read up on the difference between reaches, targets, and safety schools in our blog post on the topic. This post builds on that knowledge.Once you understand the difference between those three labels, you can start filling your list in. Begin with what you know in terms of the following categories: location, size, culture, and academics (both your potential major and classes). These are the most important components to pay attention to. They will also help you avoid applying to reach schools that yo u want to apply to because of their name but wouldn’t be a good fit, or safety schools that you actually wouldn’t be happy attending.We typically advise that students start with a broad list of about 20 schools and then filter schools out based on research and visits. We can help you create that list, if you’d like. Let’s look at, for example, Alison. Alison is a strong test-taker, with a 35 on her ACT, has a 3.8 GPA, is interested in attending a medium sized school near a dynamic city that isn’t New York, and is undecided on her major but knows she loves film. She wants a school with a lot of school spirit, a liberal arts focus, and a notable culture. Based on those parameters, we’ve put together a preliminary list for her to begin researching:ReachNorthwesternUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of Texas at AustinBoston UniversityEmory UniversityJohns Hopkins UniversityTargetTulaneUniversity of Californi a, IrvineUniversity of California, San DiegoUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel HillAmerican UniversityLikelySyracuseUniversity of MiamiUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstUniversity of Colorado, DenverFrom there, you research and visit, and research and visit again. There’s no right choice, and you could come across some other schools along the way that pique your interest. You might even choose to add a school to your list that is smaller than you had previously considered, or larger, but that sounds like it could be a great fit culturally and academically (Emerson College could be a great target for Alison!).Ultimately, you want to end up with about 8-10 schools: 3-4 reaches, 3-4 targets, and 2-3 safety schools. You need to make sure that you’re excited about and would actually happily attend each and every school on your list. The most important things are research and knowing what you want. From there, you can always expand your considerations and c ompromise. We find that it’s better to start with more constraints and build a list based on that. If you need any help at all, let us know.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Segregation of Women in the Work Environment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 812 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Segregation Essay Did you like this example? All through the historical backdrop of the world, separation in the sum total of what shapes has been a consistent fight; regardless of whether race, sex, religion, convictions, appearance or anything that makes one individual unique in relation to another, it happening ordinary. One type of separation issue is against women in the work environment. This form of disparity goes back for quite a long time and comes from the conviction that men accommodate women and women deal with the home and children, men consequently are more proficient in the vocation chosen. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Segregation of Women in the Work Environment" essay for you Create order The definition of equality in the Declaration of Independence states that, all men are created equal (Encyclopedia Britannica). According to our constitution which suggests and says that men are created equal simply implies to men only. It was only on August 18th, 1920, that women were first given the right to vote (History). Women should and deserve the right be paid equally for the same jobs they possess in comparison to men. Women have always been seen inferior to men, jobs and occupations carried out by women rather than men tend to be paid less (Hesmondhalgh Baker, 2015, p.25) and as a result it has impacted a womans self-worth and self-esteem. In Obamas State of the Union Address, he mentioned that for every dollar a man earns a woman earns seventy-seven cents (Obama, 2014). Even our past President Barack Obama agrees that the idea of discrimination against women is still a problem. Presently, the acknowledgement that people can deliver similar outcomes, training, and ability to achieve an indistinguishable general undertaking from men is ending up more well-known. However, the progressing issue of the part women have taken in the past has now turned into an undeniable issue in our general public today. In the past, women have been perceived as only the mother, and their job was to stay home, keep the house tidy, tend to the children and have a hot meal waiting for her husband. Women were generally not encouraged to become educated or work, this was the husbands job. For instance, in Helen Watsons book, Women in the City of the Dead it was frowned upon for women to work, Women view waged work as a necessary evil. They have to earn money to help feed the family but they fear that it interferes with their real work of managing domestic affairs and looking after their children (Watson, 1992, p.7). Other countries across the world, as in Cairo, Egypt, women also have the preconceived notion that work is evil. Interestingly, Watson describes how women in Cairo viewed work as being a disgraceful task, because their husbands are then perceived as wea k, and they cannot assume the role as the head of the household. Meanwhile, the women feel they are neglecting their role as a mother and caretaker. However, women today have now taken the role as the sole provider for the household while many men take on the role as the caretaker and mother figure. In todays society there are laws to help protect pay discrimination from happening. The Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex in the payment of wages or benefits (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Discrimination has been an issue ever since women have wanted place in the workforce, but unfortunately is still a problem in todays society. Men and women shall never be treated equal due to the respect and sincerity in todays world in which we see women, but there is no reason why a woman should continue to be paid less. If the woman is doing the same work as a man and even better, it should not be allowed for one to get a lower income. Clearly, this type of separation is genuinely deceptive and inappropriate, yet now in our innovative society comparatively unavoidable. In the past year, many issues concerning the discrimination against women have been voiced all over the news and social media. These issues concerning the sexual harassment of women, which started the #metoo movement and the issue of womens right in concern with abortion and contraception. These violations and limitations of womens ability to feel safe and protected continue to be present. It is the hope and education of males to empower other males to respect the role and embodiment of a women. The claim I make is a more prominent measure of desire, a longing for women to continue giving the decade old generalization to be false; to accomplish the same amount of if not more than men. To be comparable one must request or demand balance and that starts at home as we raise our young men to be sensitive to a womens battle. In summation, equality has n ot reached its fullest potential however, women are strong competitors of men in the working environment.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Relentless Bullying - 1164 Words
Linh Nguyen EMLS 112, 1:30 MW Date: 05/01/2013 Instructor: J. Harris Bullying What is bullying? Bullying is everywhere. It is a horrible activity that destroys people’s happiness and life. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems for our society. Nothing good comes out of bullying. In fact, it ruins many people’s lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even worse, they can be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. Bullying must be stopped or prevented no matter how long it will take; it is a deeply concerning matter. Bullying does not always have to be childish play, but it can be extremely violent. People may be bruised, injured, or even killed. There are so many different kinds†¦show more content†¦However; in this article, there is an important point that we should look back is that one girl stood up to a group of guys who were picking on the Bird. That is a good deed we should learned to stand up or against the group of bad people who always tease other people in a wrong way. Bullies themselves sometimes deliberately hurt other children physically. â€Å"Rowing the bus†- Paul Logan, is one of examples about bullying when it gets worse. The author wrote about his life when he was in elementary school. He was a â€Å"perfect target†for the others kids to tease. He was made to row the bus. â€Å"†¦on the way to school I had to sit in the dirty bus aisle littered with paper, gum wads, and spitballs†that was what he was forced to do by a group of bullies in his school. He was a small boy and had no father so that his mother had to work very hard to support him. He used to wear the clothes that his mother got from the donation at a local church. He feared that he might wear the clothes that used to belong with his classmates. A problem he faced at school was that he had a hard time to learn to say the â€Å"s†sound properly and â€Å"pronounced words that began with â€Å"th†as if they began with a â€Å"d.†. He would become a target that everyone would laugh at him. â€Å"For four years, from second to fifth grade, I prayed nightly for God to give me school days in which I would not be insulted, embarrassed, or made to feel ashamed†that was what he was doing every night before he went toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article Girl s Suicide Points1150 Words  | 5 Pageswrites about the tragic death of Rebecca Ann Sedwick, and the events that lead her to it. Rebecca was a normal, typical twelve year old pree-teen girl. Because of a disagreement over a boy Rebecca dated, several middle-school children stated bullying her. The bullying started at school, but it esculated to where she was vicously tormented on social media. Even after she stopped dating the boy, the attacks kept coming. Because not much was being done, even though Rebecca’s mother complained to school adiministratorsRead MoreBullying a Hottest Controversy Today757 Words  | 3 Pages Bullying has become one of the hottest controversy since the past decade. Bullies are the people who intimidate others because they feel superior from their peers and believe they are higher than anybody else. Moreover, they think that intimidating the people who cannot fight back is funny, but, bullies do not know how the victim’s feeling and how they recover from the pain (â€Å"11 Facts†). On the other hand, the victims are the people who are scared to stand up and speak up for themselves. BullyingRead MoreBullying: Have Schools Really Found A Solution? Essay795 Words  | 4 PagesBullying remains a progressively notorious topic due to the unbiased choice of victims and death-related incidents. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Negative Impact Of Globalization And Capitalism - 1278 Words
Globalization and capitalism are two systems that greatly influence our world on a political and economical scale. Globalization processes businesses and corporations internationally while capitalism handles the money, ownership, and trades that globalization operates. However, capitalism is often seen as a negative political system and thus I will argue that capitalism negatively affects globalization. But to understand why capitalism has a negative effect on capitalism, it is important to understand what globalization and capitalism are. I will start off my essay by explaining the history and current events that revolve around globalization and capitalism. Then, I will discuss Karl Marx s opinion on capitalism. Afterwards, I will†¦show more content†¦In addition to explaining the history of capitalism, I will also discuss how capitalism has become a controversial political system. Capitalism is a political system where a country s trade and industry are controlled by priva te owners for profit, not the state. It has the belief that people should be able to trade freely so everyone can benefit. For example, if a person buys a carton of milk at the store for one dollar. Both, the seller and buyer, get what they want. The seller gets one dollar, and the buyer gets his milk. What the seller does with the money he receives is capitalism. It has many flaws that make it controversial such as, it s unstable, profits before people, and only the rich benefit. However, despite how horrible it is, capitalism works. It is one of the few political systems in the world that is tangible and seems to work. However, historical figures such as Karl Marx would argue otherwise. In this paragraph, I will explain capitalism through the viewpoint of a Marxist and how Karl Marx himself despised capitalism. Towards the end of the paragraph, I will contrast capitalism and globalization while explaining how they work together- this will segue into my arguments. I will begin arguing my first point - that capitalism effects globalization through the degradation ofShow MoreRelatedCapitalism, Globalization and the Perpetuation of Women’s Oppression: a Vicious Cycle1138 Words  | 5 PagesCAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION AND THE PERPETUATION OF WOMENS OPPRESSION: A VICIOUS CYCLE By Kelsey Lavoie NDYA, Provincial Youth Liason According to the World Bank, women make up 70% of the world’s poor and their wages world wide are on average 50% to 80% of men’s. One third of all households word wide are headed by women, they are responsible for half the world’s food production, and yet they own just one per cent of the world’s property. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
IT in Tourism Industry
Question: Write a report on "IT in Tourism Industry". Answer: Introduction IT is vital for every enterprise to decrease expenses, endeavours, and time and it's far greater imperative for tourism industry as well on account that customer in this industry uses IT so much. Also, IT enhances administration exceptional and patron loyalty in tourism industry. Virtually, records technology attain tourism enterprise and make it simpler. Professionals concur that IT is an essential piece of centred operations in the commercial tourism enterprise. Similarly, IT assumes a vital part in showcasing and dissemination the tourism item. Statistics improvements anticipate a crucial component in tourism in view that its assist tourism dealer to talk with accomplices and clients. Business needs IT IT have a great impact on the tourism industry.Tourism Australia, as well as, the entire tourism industry completely relies on the Information Technology for operational tasks, as well as, for the strategic management. It likewise conveys powerful answer for meeting their customer's specific commercial enterprise needs expanding advantage and paintings rate enhancing purchaser connection and diminishing expense. In any case, Tourism Australia can depend on upon innovation with the journey and tourism industry to decorate the correspondence procedure. At the point when thinking about IT important change which IT brings in the tourism industry is spare organizations time and cash effectively and with the help of computer communicate with individuals frequently, as well as, feasibly, and people do live chat and contact with their colleagues and traders and with desiring statistics (Accorsi, 2013). IT is vital for the business survival Media and IT changed the technique for tourism. Explorers swing to the net to investigate on capability destinations and do bookings on the net. They even comprise sharing their encounters of the excursions they go to. Shoppers recognise about enterprise, as well as, journey tourism industry provide them. In previous ten years has enabled purchasers notably because if IT utilization in industry. Contrasting and attempting to find information is straightforward now and a huge variety of facts are accessible on the web. furthermore, IT provide several frameworks which beautify the execution of Tourism Australia (Alonso Northcote, 2010). For instance, GDS and CRS, which help tourism organisation to satisfy their customers. Likewise, the tourism enterprise is laid low with statistics advancements because it diminishes time, coast and endeavours of advancing and cruising tourism item inTourism Australia. In this way, it's far excessively vital, making it impossible to make use of all ass ociation of IT inside the tourism enterprise and Tourism Australia gain numerous blessings from it. Professionals concur that the fruitful undertakings depend on upon records advances to meet their customer (standing Vasudavan, 2000). Requirements to apply IT Both the personal and open divisions have occupied with diverse endeavours to boost the usage of IT inside medicinal services agencies and crosswise over consideration conveyance settings. Administrative and coins related systems that support charging, accounting, and different definitive assignments; tourism enterprise structures that empower or provides a dedication to the concept strategy; and shape the infrastructure that provide valid tourism applications. The prices of completing information era go past acquiring the improvement to giving get ready and structures assist, which logical investigations show are fundamental for accomplishment (Australia, 2016). Tourism Australia getting benefit from information era all round calls for converting work frames, which may be greater trying than the acquisition and foundation of development. Business utilises IT Tourism industry may contain hotels, eatery, and other related tourism associations. This means the sightseers need to revel their staffs because these traces that the industry wants to have incredible purchaser and delegates who can talk with their traveller and help them clear up their troubles. There are three additives within the cordiality which hotels. Carries eatery that gives beverages and sustenance excitement by using the theatre and agreement deliver via the mechanical administration ("Behaviour data generation", 2010). In the management conveyance inside the friendliness commercial enterprise and administration conveyance in distinct agencies, there are little distinctions due to the fact that they each have splendid client administration which is crucial in both business ventures, they each supply great administration to construct their profits and to guarantee that they fulfill their purchaser needs and want within the business. Benefits of IT for business The imperative IT inside the travel, as well as tourism enterprise is to get records via exploration, build the association income, to get statistics crosswise over to their clients and other related institutions, conveys remarkable pace, a contact group of an onlooker. Approximately IT is that which can make strain and strife, easy to be over applied to the organisation, but it often needs protection because it also effects enterprise profitability (Capstick, 2001). Anyways, for Tourism Australia situation without IT, the business could not hold up their base to preserve visitor and preserve the spot were visitors went. The primary point of interest of actualizing and enhancing IT in a commercial enterprise is the accelerated productivity that it brings. Tourism Australia provide a wide range of tactics or services, and provide a great deal of redundant, slight, and luxurious offers for people with the effective utilisation of IT(Frost, 2004). Computers and frameworks may be compose d and actualized to perform those techniques given strict enterprise guidelines techniques, for instance, work management location calls logging, document chronicling, and client records administration. Risk of Information Technology in business The increasing utilisation of mobile phones, capsules, and unique gadgets into businesses may decorate representative profitability, but, they communicate to an undeniable and developing security chance in Tourism Australia (Ritchie, Carr, Cooper, 2003). The safety border is an extra vulnerable restrict, and virtual lawbreakers can take advantage of numerous assault vectors to access an business enterprise's community. Just as digital crooks will misuse the expanding consumerism of IT, associations concentrated more on the augmentation of security assurance to non-corporate claimed devices to shore up their safeguards ("Developing developments in the Tourism and Hospitality industry", 2015). Disavowal of-administration on-line attacks that counteract site get admission to for approved clients, protection ruptures includes physical smash-ins and additionally online interruption, group of workers unworthiness housebreaking of statistics or sensitive records, for instance, patron detai ls. As corporations store their information on far-flung cloud servers which might be received with a customer name and secret word, they threat to lose that records to incorrect minded studying works, programmers or infections, which could hurt his business. E-trade sites gather person information is making use of treats to recognise greater about us and advise items basing on that information (Ivergard, 2000). Monitor and Maintain IT Asset Reporting: A study of tools and programming assets, and what's more thorough reviews specifying all gadgets and programming on Tourism Australia framework. Tourism Australia can in like way decisively verify and endorse what they'll require because the commercial enterprise creates. Protection of IT tracking: Via step by step checking of protection gear, planners will lighten safety problems before gatecrashers can manhandle any vulnerabilities (Lee, 2001). Automatic shape IT tracking: Deliver each second of constantly checking of your device development to guarantee your hardware is running in a perfect international. With this degree of checking, Tourism Australia pros can perceive and redress issues earlier than they have an effect on their medicinal offerings framework security (page Connell, 2010). Patch employer: Execute a security patch technique on restoration centers framework and subsequently observe fundamental patches as they get the hazard to be open. This remains up with the most recent and jogging efficaciously. Recommendations This study recommends that IT change into a vital tool in contemporary business for the improvement of the enterprise, flourishing of organisation and aggressiveness within the global industrial middle. Additionally, IT allows chiefs to do all factors of the important thing and operational management to increase the productivity of an organisation.The utilisation of data innovations in any basis ends in advanced in view that it's miles lessening time and float. Conveying first-class management inside the accommodation business may be a noteworthy check confronting friendliness supervisors in the beginning years of the subsequent thousand years. It will likely be a crucial situation for accomplishment inside the growing, definitely centred, global neighbourliness markets. While the destiny significance of conveying excellent cordiality administration is whatever but tough to perceive and to concur on, doing as such shows a few troublesome and charming administration troubles. Conclusion This study concludes that there may be a stable relationship among IT, as well as, tourism industry. In this way, tourism authorities powers ought to utilise IT as a great deal as they can. Likewise, IT facilitates tourism government powers to beautify their execution for some reasons.The primary cause is because IT encourages the correspondence among providers and customers. The second purpose is that utilising IT lessens time, price and endeavors. In this study, it has been concluded that the tourism ministries put it to use to get a attract extra customers and enlargement incomes too. The commercial enterprise world has grasped the usage of the net to complete several exchanges. Tourism Enterprise isn't any unique case. The web offers brief alternate of information among or more gatherings, the size able majority of the PC on systems talk with each other. Inside the accommodations business, using the web inside the special administrations, for instance,, reserving of motel rooms s erves a crucial ability considering that it is proficient and individuals don't need to meet up near and private. Bibliography Accorsi, R. (2013). Security in Business Process Management. It Information Technology, 55(6). Alonso, A. Northcote, J. (2010). The development of olive tourism in Western Australia: a case study of an emerging tourism industry. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 12(6), 696-708. Australia, T. (2016). Our Organisation - About Us - Tourism Australia. Behaviour Information Technology. (2010). Behaviour Information Technology, 29(6), ebi-ebi. Capstick, A. (2001). Building an information service: how to change your life with technology. Business Information Review, 18(3), 12-20. Frost, W. (2004). Convention tourism: international research and industry perspectives. Tourism Management, 25(2), 287. Growing Trends in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. (2015). J Tourism Hospit, 04(03). Ivergard, T. (2000). Information technology and knowledge-based business development. Behaviour Information Technology, 19(3), 163-169. Lee, C. (2001). Modeling the business value of information technology. Information Management, 39(3), 191-210. Page, S. Connell, J. (2010). Tourism. London: SAGE. Ritchie, B., Carr, N., Cooper, C. (2003). Managing educational tourism. Clevedon [England]: Channel View Publications. Standing, C. Vasudavan, T. (2000). The Impact of Internet on Travel Industry in Australia. Tourism Recreation Research, 25(3), 45-54.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation Absolute error and relative error are two types of experimental error. Youll need to calculate both types of error in science, so its good to understand the difference between them and how to calculate them. Absolute Error Absolute error is a measure of how far off a measurement is from a true value or an indication of the uncertainty in a measurement. For example, if you measure the width of a book using a ruler with millimeter marks, the best you can do is measure the width of the book to the nearest millimeter. You measure the book and find it to be 75 mm. You report the absolute error in the measurement as 75 mm /- 1 mm. The absolute error is 1 mm. Note that absolute error is reported in the same units as the measurement. Alternatively, you may have a known or calculated value and you want to use absolute error to express how close your measurement is to the ideal value. Here absolute error is expressed as the difference between the expected and actual values. Absolute Error Actual Value - Measured Value For example, if you know a procedure is supposed to yield 1.0 liters of solution and you obtain 0.9 liters of solution, your absolute error is 1.0 - 0.9 0.1 liters. Relative Error You first need to determine absolute error to calculate relative error. Relative error expresses how large the absolute error is compared with the total size of the object you are measuring. Relative error is expressed as a fraction or is multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percent. Relative Error Absolute Error / Known Value For example, a drivers speedometer says his car is going 60 miles per hour (mph) when its actually going 62 mph. The absolute error of his speedometer is 62 mph - 60 mph 2 mph. The relative error of the measurement is 2 mph / 60 mph 0.033 or 3.3%
Monday, March 9, 2020
Heres Everything You Need to Know About Et Al.
Heres Everything You Need to Know About Et Al. Who speaks Latin anymore? Really, very few people do, however Latin phrases or abbreviations are abundant in English academic writing. Despite their initial confusion, they end up saving space and creating a more uniform format. So, if youve encountered one of these phrases- et al. for example- youll eventually find it useful in your academic research.Think of it like riding a bike: Once you understand the concept, the rest is easy!Et al. means and othersEt al. has come to represent three different Latin phrases, particularly et alia (neuter plural), et alii (masculine plural), and et aliae (feminine plural). The definition from Merriam-Webster is and others.Photo by Jordan Donaldson , the correct way to punctuate it is to include a period at the end. Since et means and, there is no reason to put a period following it. Also, there is no reason to put et al. in italics, even though it is a Latin phrase (mainly because it has been used in the English language for hundreds of years).A l ook at an exampleTo see how et al. is used in an academic work, lets take a look at a sample paper pulled from the APA (American Psychological Association) website.Looking back at page two in the paper, The effects of age in the detection of emotion, youll see the following citation:(Carretie, Hinojosa, Marin-Loeches, Mecado Tapia, 2004).This is the first reference to this particular study, which according to APA rules, must include all authors names when initially mentioned.Now, moving to page four, at the top of the page, we see the following group of citations:(Calvo Lang, 2004; Carretie et al., 2004; Juth, Lundqvist, Karlsson, Ohman, 2005; Nummenmaa et al., 2006).The mention of Carretie et al., 2004 is referring to the same study we saw cited on page two. The only difference is the fact that it is no longer being mentioned for the first time. Now, throughout the rest of the paper, the author can use et al. to refer to Carreties research writing partners without having to list all their names. The only exception is when listing it in the bibliography, works cited, or reference list- it must then include all authors names in the citation.More examplesAlthough et al. is mostly seen in academic writing contexts, it can also be used in less formal writing, while still maintaining the meaning and others. Here are some examples:Lets pack a picnic basket, with sandwiches, fruit, wine, cheese, et al.The loan officer wants paperwork turned in as soon as possible, including bank statements, tax documents, paycheck stubs, et al.Winter is finally here- ice, sleet, et al.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Global warming after see incinvenience truth Essay
Global warming after see incinvenience truth - Essay Example They believe that the atmospheric temperature rise is caused by solar variations and we have nothing to do with it. An Inconvenient Truth was a documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim, in 2006, about former United States Vice President Al Gores campaign to educate citizens about global warming. Al Gore has shown many slides about the consequences of global warming to educate the people about the importance of this issue in this film. He has presented the scientific opinion about the climate change and the possible future effects of global warming in this film (An Inconvenient Truth) Scientific studies showed that atmospheric temperature rise and sea level rise may continue for more than 1000 years even if we manage to stabilize the greenhouse gas levels now. Increased atmospheric temperature is definitely a threat for the sustainability of life on earth. Sea level raise, increased extreme weather intensities, changes in agricultural yields, complete destruction of some living things etc are some of the immediate difficulties we can anticipate. â€Å"Sea level has trended upward for the past 150 years at a rate of 7 inches per century†(Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide). As per another study, sea level might rise by as much as six feet by 2100 (Eilperin). The over atmospheric heat may expand the seawater and it may raise more than one feet in the coming 100 years as per the evidences collected by the scientists. Such a sea level rise may sink the countries like UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait etc. The increased warming of atmosphere may melt the huge snow deposits on Arctic and Antarctic regions which will cause the sea level to be further raised. Scientists already proved that the height of Everest decreases and also the Snow Mountains disappearing slowly due to global warming. â€Å"Today the amount of carbon dumped globally into the atmosphere corresponds, on average, to one ton per person on the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Brand Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Brand Equity - Essay Example Attrition can quickly set in, rendering them vulnerable to competition. "Consumer-based brand equity is defined as the value of a brand signal to consumers." (Swait 1998, p. 7) . For Marcoms, once again, proactive commitment to customers separates successful companies from the rest. Because positive equity is so critically important an element of customer loyalty, operational flexibility and value innovation are especially meaningful here. Earlier, the lack of customer loyalty in the supermarket industry was discussed, with real equity being quite elusive for most chains (see appendix 1). At the heart of Marcoms equity package is providing convenience, quality, a variety of services, for customers who want it and who will pay more to get it. It is a premium service identified as such by customers because it delivers more. The equity pressure for companies like Marcoms is that, as they continue to raise the bar on customer expectations, they must also be able to see over the bar and continue to anticipate customer needs (Boone and Kurtz 2002). There are a lot of parallels between (1) the effect on loyalty of customer self-expression and choice and (2) the old-fashioned idea of romance and courtship. Customers are fickle; romance can be fickle. Boy meets girl. Boy wins girl. Boy loves her but takes her for granted. Choice is largely driven by a customer's relationships with a service, and with the companies that offer them. It's about experience, and levels of trust and commitment, through contact with suppliers. Because, in most industries, choices are so readily avai lable, customers are increasingly less hesitant to change suppliers. When replacement is perceived as more positive than negative, they'll move on. Industries such as banking and managed care have seen this occur (see appendix 2). This must translate to positive relationships and contacts, earning and keeping customer loyalty (Crawford 2003). "This perspective on brand equity focuses on the impact on consumer utility of a brand's signal credibility, rather than on the mere clarity of the provided information" (Swait 1998, p. 7) For Marcoms, the long-term value strategy is built on creating strong relationships with customers and anticipating their requirements. A significant new challenge is emerging with regard to value. Companies must now strategize with respect to both the physical product and the "virtual" product, such as information. Overlaps in physical and virtual product occur in many industries, particularly those where a tangible product, such as an automobile, and an int angible product, such as service advice or computer-based information support, coexist. Emancipated thinking and embracing the "possible shapes of things to come" now includes strategies that go beyond reliance on the company's own resources. Increasingly, companies are seeking strategic partnerships and relationships that bring complementary strengths, provide greater customer value, and result in higher share of customer (Boone and Kurtz 2002). Marcoms can build its brand equity through advertising. Marcoms should create a positive brand image and promotes its main goals and strategies appealing to emotions and mind of consumers. Perceptions and tributes towards Marcoms brand will be
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Knauf Corporation Case Study
Knauf Corporation Case Study The following assignment is a case study, in which we are going to analyze the Knauf Corporation worldwide, but mostly the operation of the business in the European countries. The objective of this assignment is, by analyzing the operation of the company inside Europe to be able then to recognize, whether we see a common strategy or if there are any differences on it. In the first part, there is a research about the organizational function and the activities of Knauf worldwide and mainly in the European environment, starting from the past until the year 2009, where you can see the latest actions of the company. In the second part I will concentrate my analysis regarding how the general strategy of the company is differentiated depending on the local requirements, laws, cultures, market potentials, etc. In the end of the assignment we will make an analysis of the Greek market in order a close idea about the business operation. 1. Companys history and profile Knauf Group is a multinational producer of building materials and construction systems based in Germany, in Iphofen, where the head quarters and the master plan are located. In Iphofen exists also the historical museum of the company. Knauf is a family name. The Company began its operations in 1932, when the brothers Dr. Alfons N. Knauf and Karl Knauf established the firm Gebr. Knauf. It was a difficult beginning and at this time, no one could have thought the future big development of the company. Knauf finally became a multinational producer of building materials and construction systems, operating with more than 150 production facilities worldwide. Today the company ranks among one of the worlds leading manufacturers of building materials. Knauf has a workforce of 22,000 employees in 40 countries and in 2009 the company achieved sales of 5, 5 billion Euros. The product portfolio varies from the traditional plasterboard to the production of conveying machinery for construction site logistics, including the segments of gypsum plasters for interior and exterior use, insulation materials made of glass fibers or expanded polystyrene. The wide-ranging assortment also includes some other very special products as gypsum fiber boards for walls and floors, as well as a variety of special ceiling systems. The final aim, which comes out from this wide range of products, is that Knauf Group always focuses its efforts in being the leader producer in the construction sector by fulfilling any requirement of the architects, planners, building developers, etc. A strong characteristic of Knauf is the continuous courage for visions, innovation and investments as well as simple decision-making processes and a wealth of ideas on the part of its personnel. Despite the fact that the company is so large the CEOs of the company Nicolaus and Baldwin Knauf insist that the company is a family business, since it is still managed worldwide by the second and third generation of the family Knauf. The company doesnt belong in any stock market and every investment is created by their own profits without loans from the bank or any other external fund. 2. Companys structure and operation Gypsum plasters (core selling material of the company) The Group started to go international as early as the beginning of the Seventies of the last century and the trend has continued until today. Today the Group produces and sells its products in all European countries. In the developed countries such as E.E. countries, Turkey, Russia etc., the company has production facilities. According to the market demand in some occasions there are two or even three plants, whereas in small countries as Cyprus for example, there is only a local branch and the market is supplied with materials from Knauf Greece. Furthermore, there are factories located in North and South America, in the CIS states, in Northern Africa, in China and in Indonesia. Insulation materials Whereas in earlier times the sectors of dry construction and here we mention plasterboard as the primary product and gypsum plasters were the traditional areas of activity of the Group, meanwhile the insulation materials segment has developed into a further mainstay of the Group. The foundation stone for this was laid in 1978 when a glass fibre manufacturing company in Shelbyville, USA, was taken over. Today the company bears the name Knauf Insulation USA and operates a total of four production sites in the United States. The production of insulating materials on the basis of glass wool and mineral wool becomes more and more important. For about 30 years, the company has gained experience in the production of glass wool in North America. Within the last 5 years, Knauf has acquired 10 glass wool and mineral wool factories throughout Europe and additionally built new plants in Eastern Europe and Russia. Emerging and acquisitions activities Focusing before some years in the developing strategy into further segments of construction, where Knauf didnt have experience, the Company needed the knowledge and the facilities of existed companies well known for their quality in their field. Some of them were bought from the group in order to serve all the local Knauf companies with the special products that theyre producing. Some of the companies that have been bought and managed now from the group are AMF, Danogips, Marmorit, Sacret, Richter Systems, Knauf Perlite, Knauf PFT, Knauf Alutop. EUROPAK3 Most of these companies are selling their products only via local Knauf businesses. The interesting point is that the group doesnt hesitate to change its policy according to the target groups, different distribution channels and market needs. Being more specific, for example AMF Company is operating as a different business in the local markets, who sells products to the local Knauf businesses, but also to several wholesalers for example. PFT Company, which is occupied in machinery equipment (totally different market segment), is also developing separately from the local Knauf businesses in the European markets in order to serve other distribution channels and target groups. Knauf insulation, which is a totally different company is as well acting separately in the markets and sell its products directly to wholesalers without local Knaufs help. In many occasions in the European countries they are also selling only via local Knauf businesses. An interesting history is about a merging that the group has made with its one of the biggest competitors. The company USG is the market leader in United States producing and selling the same range of materials. United States of America is too much mature market in constructing with dry wall systems. Knauf group realized a big gap before some years in their product variety. They didnt have a board suitable for exterior constructions. Then the idea came from USG that had been producing a cement board, which is the ideal product, if someone wants to construct exterior walls facades for example. Then Knauf group in order to gain the technical knowledge and experience in cement board market, has been cooperated with USG. They have created together a joint ventured company under the name Knauf USG Systems, which is an independent company located in Germany and its aim is to produce and sell cement boards in Europe, Middle East, and Africa but only via the local Knauf businesses. 3. Organizational structure Knauf local businesses are managed by CEOs that usually are locals. The Local CEOs are supervised by the regional CEOs who are usually coming from the Knauf family. The local CEOs are fully responsible for the local organizational structure. Usually there is the plant manager, a logistics manager, sales and marketing managers, IT managers, technical department and sales department. Depending on how big the market is, sometimes as in Greece for example the technical department is merged with the sales department, which is finally consisted from sales engineers. 4. Vision and Mission The Knauf vision stems from the model on which the company is based: From a family company to a family of companies [i] . Knaufs mission is to remain a family which will always include its employees, customers and consumers. The company mainly emphasizes its philosophy on the following: Sustainability, Ecology and economy. The company produces economic construction systems based on raw materials that come straight from the earth and are completely friendly to people and the environment. Plan innovations to meet tomorrows requirements. To be the market leader in the building materials industry Focusing in long term growth and continuous increase of companys value To be as good as the sum of its total employees. The company depends on its employees skills, efficiency and creativity. In that sense production plants are designed to be pleasant to work in, efficient and to ensure a conscientious approach to resources and the environment. Quality management is a key factor for the group 5. Knauf Business and Marketing Strategy model 5,1 DISTRIBUTION Knaufs general strategy is to sell their products only via wholesalers. These dealers can then sell products further to second hand dealers, contraction companies and technicians (Knauf system installers). This model can be changed if a local market is used to work with another way, as for example in Northern Africa countries. In Europe this strategy is generally followed. 5, 2 TARGET GROUPS If we follow the whole chain of construction industry, we all know that Architects are planning the projects which means, that theyre specifying materials (they create the demand). This means that they are the main decision makers in the construction chain. Contractors are taking over to complete the project, and the technicians as sub contractors they are installing Knauf systems. As you can easily realize, Knauf target groups are all the above mentioned groups. Companys concept, is to follow the projects from the early start of the planning until the final procurement. And that means, that they support all the phases of the construction by being present and service with technical support all the groups referred. In addition they focus a lot to the individuals (private investors). Individuals are Knaufs long term objectives, since they strongly believe that they are at the end of the day the basic mean of continuously adding value in the company and make their products even better known to the market. This sector is going to empower the already famous Knauf brand in the market, and of course the materials demand. 5, 3 COMMUNICATION PR ADVERTISEMENT In this paragraph, Im going to show you a small part of the general ideas regarding the companys marketing approach. Knauf in Europe proceeds in specific advertising actions to introduce its products variety in its all target groups. This marketing approach operates since the start of the company and it is already very successful. A very important thing in business is to follow up your customers. Thus, Knauf via its CRM system saves its contacts and post them direct mails. In addition they are also sending e-direct mails, as is the Knauf monthly newsletter or any other subject they would like to promote. Moreover, theyre participating in exhibitions which are usually taking place in the construction concept with target groups from architecture, planning, decoration, etc. Another way of advertizing is by creating inputs in magazines for architects, contractors and technicians. Except of magazines, they also make inputs in newspapers and daily free presses, so they could be able to approach also the individuals. TV spots, radio spots are as well important ways of advertising their systems. Knauf invests a part of each turnover to offer free advertising gifts to its customers. These gifts might be templates, banners, signs, flags, samples, vehicles and memorial gifts, all having as design the Knauf logos and the Knauf partner s logos as well. Local technical documentation and web sites are other ways to find information for the companys products. These documents are very well developed and they obviously offer an assured technical support to the customers. The corporation invests a lot in education regarding its systems installation. Every local business has its own training center where seminars are taking place in certain dates every year. Those who have participated in the seminars are taking in the end a Knauf graduate clarification that writes Mr à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ has successfully participated in the Knauf seminars the datesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And this small thing makes them feel that they belong in a special group. Consequently they spread this idea to other people. 5.4 POSITIONING Knauf continues to increase a premium brand and separate its position against competition. Thats why the corporation always invests in developing new products and improving the old ones. 6. Gypsum Industry Market Analysis Europe The gypsum industry belongs into the broader industry of building materials. For the scope of our assignment we will only analyze the gypsum industry and especially the European Gypsum Industry as Knauf is mainly active into the European market. The European Gypsum Industry is characterized as a growing industry in comparison with the US or Australian Gypsum Industries which are already in the maturity face of their life cycles. With a turnover of over 10 billion à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬, the European gypsum and anhydrite industry operates 160 quarries and some 200 factories and generates employment directly to 28.000 people and indirectly for 85.000 people. It is one of the few fully integrated industries within the construction products field. Thirty years ago, the Gypsum Industry was made up of many small manufacturing enterprises mainly producing building plaster and stucco for local markets. The emergence and growth of the plasterboard and the plasterboard solutions market in the 1980s requiring high capital investments, equipment, RD and securing access to natural resources led to a consolidation process within the European Gypsum industry. Currently in the industry nowadays three main operators cover 80% of the gypsum product market [ii] . These are Knauf Group of Companies, BPB (British Pasterboards) and Lafarge. BPB, a UK based manufacturer, acquired by Saint Gobain in 2005 and organized within the Saint-Gobains Construction Products Sector [iii] and Lafarge, the well known building material manufacturer, established in 1833 in France initially as a limestone mining company [iv] . 6.1 PEST Analysis In analyzing the macro-environment via a PEST analysis, we can configure the environment which gypsum industry producers compete and identify the factors that might in turn affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organizations supply and demand levels and its costs. The European building material industry is not that vulnerable to Political issues but into the Greek Construction Industry political issues arise more frequently as the support from the European Union funds have major role into Construction Industry growth rates. From 2001 till 2009 where more and more privately funded big real-estate projects were implemented the industry was growing very fast but the economic pressure that affects, for the last year, all companies and investors involved is slowing down the rates of the industry. In such critical times, most governments are identifying its policies with social and environmental care policies. Into the construction environment there is the need, more than any other time, of energy efficient buildings and construction techniques that exploit those advantages, and governments in assessing the socioeconomic impact of energy spending reduction are already subsidizing such constructions through government or EU fund raising. Technology i tself was always the main concern of producers in order to find ways of reducing their production cost as well as to invest in new RD fields, such as antiseismic technology, for exploiting the unique advantages of gypsum. 6.2 SWOT analysis European Gypsum Industry is a growing one and most European countries only now capitalize the advantages that gypsum offers as a building material. Gypsum is virtually indispensable for the interiors of homes and offices and all types of building where people congregate, such as schools, shops, airports, etc. Its superior performance in providing everyday comfort, in fire resistance and in insulation, heralds an ever greater role for it in buildings of the future. In fact, the safety and protection of people and property against fire, and effective thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings depends, more often than not, on the unique properties of gypsum. And many of the attractive features of the modern interior would be impossible without the versatility of gypsum as a building material. The gypsum wallboard industry is highly competitive. Because wallboard is expensive to transport, does not travel well in large quantities and lacks of product differentiation, producers compete on a regional basis, primarily based on price, product range, product quality, and customer service. The sector is highly competitive especially in Europe and North America with production mostly concentrated among few international players. The drywall solutions are seen in growing countries as a substitute for traditional construction solution like for example cement and brick and block constructions. The unique advantages that systems offered to the engineers made them a huge threat of substitute for the traditional techniques. But, soon the industry will be into the maturity face and new innovative and evolution building materials like magnesium or perlite have already started to threaten gypsums raising empire. The industry has to invest into new materials, new technologies and diversify towards innovative building material and construction system solutions. The capital investment that is required in order to enter into the gypsum industry is high. Equipment is expensive, know how is difficult to acquire, access to natural resources is prohibited and investment in RD is mandatory. That is why in very few years the European Gypsum Industry from the state of many locally situated small producers it transformed into an extremely concentrated market where three companies cover approximately 80% of the market. In global level the same concentrated situation is observed where 81% of the market is covered by 7 players (Georgia Pacific, Knauf, Lafarge, National Gypsum, Saint-Gobain, USG and Yoshino) The Gypsum Industry covers the whole life-cycle of the product. Indeed, the companies which extract the mineral gypsum also process it and manufacture the value-added products and systems. The full integration that characterizes the industry is a fact that removes any danger of suppliers bargaining power but at the same time it leads to higher production costs for the producer. The ownership of the gypsum reserves is a power game between the main competitors of the industry as it is at the same time a main clue of product differentiation and product quality resulting from the mineral gypsum purity. Gypsum reserves are now rare around Europe and that turned the producers to invent new technologies by producing synthetic gypsum mainly from fly ash which is a byproduct of energy production plants. The industry is mainly selling through an extensive dealers network in each country. Those dealers are commercial companies selling a series of building materials either to contractors or consumers. In Western Europe more mature markets dealership is also concentrated into few very big companies (Praktiker, Leroy Marlene, OBI etc) which due to its size and concentration they have already obtained a big bargaining power over the producers. Into the Greek market the dealers network is still based on small, unorganized depots with no special power over the industry but big retailers are already into the market and soon the situation will change. 7. Key Success Factors of the Gypsum Industry The following factors have played a major role in a gypsum companys prosperity: Cost advantages and economy of scale: The recent trend of acquisitions and mergers exploit potential cost advantages to be found in RD facilities serving global operations. They create larger and more diversified market focused organizations. All the top performing companies in the industry have faced, at least once, a major merger in the past. In 2005, BPB, one of the top 3 companies of the industry in Europe, was acquired by Saint Gobain which invested 5.9 billion à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬, for setting itself a step ahead from its major competitors in the building materials industry. Access to natural resources: As previously noticed, the Gypsum Industry covers the whole life-cycle of the product and producers strive for securing reserves all over the world. In that industry, due to the cost structure, privileged access to the raw material is vital for the companys growth. For that reason, companies started investing either in finding new ways of composing synthetic gypsum from several sources (e.g. energy plant waste) or by implementing systems for recycling their the products at the end of their life cycle (demolition waste). Differentiation through technical specifications and customer service quality: The main target for all producers is to offer a complete solution with their systems of products in order for engineers to be able to substitute traditional ways of building. They managed to specify with standard norms the use of the plasterboard walls, ceilings, floor or any other use as well as their technical characteristics like fireproof, sound insulation, thermal insulation etc. With the combination of professional sales and technical support as companies are using only engineers for sales reps with extensive and professional training, in order to serve customers and specify the systems in a market that is constantly gaining market share from the traditional construction methods. 8. Greek market analysis As we previously noticed, into the Greek market there is also one competitor to Knauf, Rigips Hellas (BPB) with one production site situated in West Greece. Both companies have their own reserves of the raw material close to their factories which are both situated into the same geographical area resulting to equivalent quality levels of raw material. A main difference is the production capacities as well as the plants sizes. Knauf operates a plant that was build from scratch in 1991 in Amfilochia, while on the other hand Rigips acquired some years after Knaufs establishment in Greece an old gypsum factory from a local producer. That explains the estimated difference in local production capacities for the two producers. Having the appropriate capacity levels, Knauf can control its production cost and overheads better than the competitors and therefore result to higher margin levels. Knauf from 1991 invested a lot of money for differentiating through technical specifications and customer service quality. In order to achieve that high level engineers were recruited and were extensively trained into Germanys headquarters. The experience and professionalism of the mother company was soon transferred into the Greek subsidiary and the company culture was quickly transformed according to the following: The future lies in the hands of talented and highly motivated employees. An important aspect is the family culture which prevails in the company: Learn from one another, hold together, pass on knowledge, assume the role of mentor, take fast and direct paths and press for special achievements [v] . In very few years, almost 10 professional engineers were covering all the Greek territory offering technical support to contractors, extensive training to installers and professional customer service to retailers. Rigips which was established a few years later used same techniques for expanding into the Greek territory but always by following Knaufs steps. That was something that reduces its cost for training the market into new building materials but cost them the reputation of the leader in the market. Knauf was and still is characterized as the leader industry in the gypsum market in Greece. Their competitive advantage in the market is the ability of its people to open the market, train the customers and lead to a new age in construction industry. All the above are mainly achieved by the following: A huge database of active engineers is informed once every month by direct mail regarding new and innovative solutions. Over 7.000 installers are trained for efficient installing drywall systems into Knaufs Training Centre in Amfilochia. Retailers are supported by professional sales engineer all over Greece. Finally, Knauf has invest a lot in marketing by extensive advertising into press, technical magazines, radio and TV, by providing signs to all its retailing network and by participating into all main fairs in Greece. Rigips havent tried to differentiate significantly from Knauf into the market. They have not invest as much as Knauf into penetrating and training the market and their main position in the market is to let the leader open the way and then to follow. The main differentiation point for the two companies was the price. Knauf is the leader and for that the customer has to pay a premium. 9. Strategic recommendations Conclusion As we saw in this assignment Knauf Corporation is developing in Europe with a certain way which is driven by the values, the culture, the ethics and the historical success model, that the family developed for their business. However, we also saw that several differences exist, depending on the needs and the culture of the local markets. Such differences for example could be the style of the management, the variety of products, the developing of the other corporate businesses and so on. Knauf family believes a lot in the different local adaptation of their business model and this is visibly proven from their willing and trust to choose local people as general managers to run the business in the countries. They invest a lot of money and efforts in order to find the correct person who is going to implement Knauf successful business style according to the local needs. Knauf group has proven its ability to penetrate, train and lead new markets. As a group it has a promising future as it is in line with the major key successful factors for the industry. Its competitive advantage is very strong and it is implemented into most countries in the world as it is into the Greek market. The industry is highly competitive and it is getting more and more concentrated. In order for Knauf to continue growing into such a competitive environment it needs to diversify its building material portfolio into more developing and profitable markets. Such a market is the insulation material industry in which the group recently invested by acquiring a lot of local producers in Europe and becoming the worlds fastest-growing insulation manufacturer with full ownership of its activities since 2002. Finally, Knauf should invest into countries that are structurally unexploited like for example in Asian or growing African countries initially by securing raw material reserves into strategic places.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Story Sharing and Female Adolescent Faith Development :: Essays Papers
Story Sharing and Female Adolescent Faith Development Adolescence: Women in Crisis According to developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, the defining psychological crisis of adolescence is identity formation versus identity confusion (Erikson 1982). This involves defining what is most important to the individual in terms of ethics, long-term goals, and especially personal and interpersonal commitments. Erikson proposes three elements necessary for this formation: an experience of â€Å"inner sameness†or consistency between values and self-determined actions, a historical continuity of such decisions, and a community of important others who serve to validate that integrated self (1968). Ideally, self-confidence is evident for both genders during this period. However, the contrast between male and female commitments indicates that many females are not successful in forming a strong identity at this phase. To examine the varying commitments adolescents make during the identity formation crisis period, a team of adolescent psychologists interviewed hundreds of middle and high school aged people of both sexes. Each participant was asked to record a few things that were most important in their lives (i.e. family, career goals, life philosophy), then the interviewers asked them to say more about these themes. While the men mentioned subjects most pertinent to their own interests (school, political issues, and their futures), women focused mainly on interpersonal relationships. This alone may or may not indicate a gap in identity development, but the study indicated that women did not exclude talk of themselves and their lives, but rather spoke negatively about both: â€Å"Many older female subjects mentioned problems and ambivalence with regard to themselves (being uncertain and so on) and difficulties in committing themselves to the different aspects of their own personalities†(B osma 100). Why are they not committed to themselves? Perhaps they cannot not commit because they do not know to what they are committing. Neither are they committed to certain life philosophies that might inform their characters. In fact, religion was ranked one of the weakest commitments for older adolescent women. Do they honestly not care, or do they not know what to care about without the immediate feedback of others? In this light, the volatile nature of a woman’s attention to her own character may not be moodiness, then, but a deeper sense of despair at choosing to commit to something that might elicit a damaging critique from others. It is much safer to focus on something highly valued in the social world, like one’s friends, than something that could be construed as selfish, like schoolwork or faith.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Cell Phones
Cell phones should be permitted in classrooms for educational purposes. Having cell phones in an environment that is already geared towards learning opens the opportunity to teach safety and manners for the devices. Teachers can explain in detail to their students how to remain safe on the internet and how to utilize it to its fullest ability. This presents the ideal circumstances for addressing issues such as cyberbullying and online predators as well as how to avoid or properly deal with these topics. The school also can monitor and control what sites students may visit, and it protects them from off-topic or detrimental websites. In addition to safety, instructors may lead lectures on etiquette associated with these devices ( Using technology in the classroom is useful for recording and recalling information. Ken Halla found that his students turned in their homework more often when they were using their devices to remind themselves of their homework. By using the devices as reminders, the students were able to combat their forgetfulness and raise their grades as they had begun to complete their assignments ( Another teacher, Sherri Story, uses smart phones to administer group quizzes in which a total of six phones are used, so all the students get a chance to participate and work together. She finds that the students have all the information they need at their fingertips and can find answers that even she does not know almost immediately. The students can share notes and assignments that their classmates may have missed in a previous period, which allows the absent student just as much time to work on a given topic as his peers and no excuse for not completing assignments ( Implementing a ‘Bring Your Own Device,' or ‘BYOD' policy can be cost-effective for schools that are underfunded. For schools that cannot afford many computers; laptops; or tablets, having students bringing in their own devices, even if they must be shared, saves the school from expending money that it does not have ( Additionally, a study, led by Joshua Littenberg-Tobias and Vincent Cho, showed that when students' devices were utilized for learning in Boston College, the teachers saw improvement in the learning abilities of their students ( Because the use of technology has grown exponentially over the years, the quantity of educationally focused applications has grown. Apps, such as Remind101, are used to remind students of upcoming assignments while websites like Poll Everywhere can be used to determine what materials a class needs to review before assessments and what it does not. Other apps, such as dictionary or reference apps are quick and easy to use, cutting down on the time needed to search for information so that more time may be spent on learning ( Certain apps such as Kahoot are tailored to make learning in all subjects enjoyable, entertaining, and like a game, which helps some students learn better than simply sitting through a lesson without understanding ( Cellular devices may be used by children that would otherwise not ask for assistance. They may by utilized by disabled children to communicate with everyone else and give them a sense of normality. They may also be used by students who are too shy or nervous to ask for help in front of their entire class. These students may fear that they will be considered stupid if they ask for help, so the anonymity gives them the confidence they need to receive the additional attention they need. Moreover, when students are placed into groups to complete projects, none of them are singled out because they do not own a smartphone. All students in a group work together, using a single device ( Permitting cell phones in an academic setting would be a wise decision, despite its drawbacks, which are easily remedied.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Writing Devices in Romeo and Juliet Essay - 1059 Words
Throughout history, there have been few writers whose works have influenced society more than those of the English playwright William Shakespeare. His use of language in all of his plays, especially Romeo and Juliet, is one that impacts its audience both emotionally and intellectually. For anyone wishing to pursue a career specifically in the Language Arts, the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare should be continued to be studied and analyzed for its unique and clever uses of English dialect. One creative use of language in the play is its imagery. Shakespeare uses it at several points to help his audience better understand the emotions of the characters. For instance, Friar Lawrence is a Franciscan monk who later in the play†¦show more content†¦When she says this to Friar Lawrence, Franciscan Monk who later helps her fake her death, the audience gets an eerie image of corpses and skulls. As it has been shown, the play Romeo and Juliet has many instances where imag ery is predominant; however, there are also numerous cases of dramatic irony. William Shakespeare uses dramatic irony constantly in his writing to add suspense and make the audience feel sympathy toward the characters. For instance, when the â€Å"star-crossed lovers†, Romeo and Juliet, first meet, neither of them detects that their families are mortal enemies. Romeo becomes aware of this from the nurse. â€Å"Is she a Capulet? / O dear account! My life is my foe’s debt†(29) is his reaction to the news. Juliet realizes this soon after with, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate! / Too early seen unknown and known too late†(30). By the time the two realize their family’s state of affairs, they have fallen in love, and by then it is too late. Due to this, sympathy is evoked from the play’s audience. Secondly, dramatic irony within Romeo and Juliet occurs when the Nurse is delivering news of Tybalt’s death to Juliet. She cries, â€Å"Ah weraday, he’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead!†(68). At this particular point, the Nurse is referring to Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, being dead, but for some time she unknowingly leads Juliet into thinking the fate has been brought upon Romeo. As the audience seesShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet746 Words  | 3 PagesIn the play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, we learn of the many hardships and highs Romeo and Juliet go through over the course of the story. The play Romeo and Juliet is based off two star-crossed lovers who are separated from each other due to a feud between their two families. Their love is so strong that at the end of the story Romeo and Juliet both end up committing suicide because they can’t live without each other. 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